Flours and industrial premixes
Add vibrant, natural color and delicious flavor to your recipes using our functional gluten-free flours, which are extracted from a selection of powerful superfoods like a sweet potato from the purple pulp. Nutritional Value: naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamins, valuable carbohydrates, fiber, vegetable protein, and minerals. Flavor: Exquisite flavor and 100% natural sweetness. Appearance and shelf life: Fine purple powder. Shelf life 1 year in proper storage conditions. Uses: as an ingredient in cakes, smoothies, cakes, cookies, desserts, thickener, bread, and pasta. Add directly to oatmeal or yogurt bowls, etc ... Additive or ingredient for the food industry to increase the nutritional value of the final product. Presentations: Individual packages of 16 oz (453 gr or 1LB) 24 * 17cm Doy Pack bag, with zipper, with inner cover for protection and durability of the product. 25 kg bags for industrial consumption.