Pharmakos SA

We are a company with leading brands in the Costa Rican market with more than 45 years of existence. Our exporting experience adds up to more than 15 years in the Panamanian market. We specialize in hair care products, in the fixation category for retail. Our catalog includes subcategories such as Gels, waxes and specialties for Curly and Coily hair, with natural products (Shea Butter, Coconut oil, Rambutan extract), free of silicones, phosphates and Petrolates. The leading product line, cosmetic for pets “Healthy Pets”, is our commitment for Animal Health Care. Our experienced team, which includes also a Veterinarian, strives for continues optimization and improvements to ensure our customer receives the highest and safest products for their loved one’s.

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Company Statistics


Number of products and services you provide


Number of countries to which it exports


Years of experience


Cartago, La Unión, Costa Rica

Main countries to which it exports

  • Panama

Company certifications

  • ISO9001