Audiovisual Services
Ease the process of entering a foreign country for the crew and equipment, help in the process of finding locations, talent, transport and accomodation in the country.
Costa Rica Filming Locations
Production services in Costa Rica for international production companies.
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Audiovisual Services
Ease the process of entering a foreign country for the crew and equipment, help in the process of finding locations, talent, transport and accomodation in the country.
Costa Rica Filming Locations
Audiovisual Services
Person in charge of making sure that all the details related to the location are executed correctly. Manage all the required permits and coordinate with entities external to the production so that there are no problems when filming.
Costa Rica Filming Locations
Audiovisual Services
-Search for possible locations that adapt to the script’s specifications, as well as the respective management of permissions to be able to shoot in the selected location.
Costa Rica Filming Locations
Desde que recibimos el guion y conceptualización de la pieza, comienza un trabajo de mesa entre el departamento de dirección, el departamento de arte, y posteriormente se incorpora el de fotografia, buscamos reforzar la historia, nos centramos fuertemente en la selección de casting, en el tono para los actores con instrucciones claras, paletas de color, vestuarios, maquillaje, elementos de prop, la iluminación, el tono y linea de fotografia para cada escena que compone la historia, intentamos establecer desde un inicio de quien hablamos, de que hablamos, desde donde, reforzando emociones y estados de animo de nuestros personajes.
La Comuna directores asociados
Audiovisual Services
Production services in Costa Rica for international production companies.
AMI Art Media Image
Creación de videos para empresas, ya sea para uso interno o externo. Conceptualización, ejecución y posterior postproducción para entregar un producto terminado y listo para ser distribuido al público objetivo.
Cántico Producciones
Audiovisual Services
Role of a production in charge of leading its creative space. Decides when to start recording and how the talent should act, as well as which is the best shot to place in the final product.
Cántico Producciones
Audiovisual Services
Creation of music clips for all types of musicians. Conceptualization, execution and subsequent post-production to deliver a finished product ready to be published in the different existing media.
Cántico Producciones
Audiovisual Services
Ease the process of entering a foreign country for the crew and equipment, help in the process of finding locations, talent, transport and accomodation in the country.
AMI Art Media Image