Agricultural Sector
The rhizobacteria contained in Bacterial Mix are a microbial consortium that help in the conditioning of the rhizosphere with bacteria that enhance the proper development and safety of the root. Rhizobacteria associate with the root for mutual benefit through an exchange of metabolites. Among the strains of Rhizobacteria that Bacterial Mix contains are the strains of Bacillus subtillis, these are bacteria that inhabit naturally soils. Providing benefits to the crop such as: it induces the plant to produce phytoalexins, which provide resistance to the attack of fungi and bacteria, promote the secretion of phytohormones, function as a physical barrier so that pathogens do not establish themselves on the surface of the root, and even the foliage. In addition, they increase the assimilation of water and nutrients, which promotes strong and healthy root development.
Tecnologias Agroambientales JI S.A.