Agricultural Sector
Young orchids (pots # 1 & 2)
Young orchid plants with a height of 5 to 10 cms approximately
Flores y Follajes del Caribe S.A.
Agricultural Sector
Young orchid plants with a height of 5 to 10 cms approximately
Flores y Follajes del Caribe S.A.
Agricultural Sector
Adult plants: orchids in a blooming age and with bare roots ready to grow in pots with the required substratum
Flores y Follajes del Caribe S.A.
Agricultural Sector
Contains vitamin B6, vitamin B1, riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin. It also contains antioxidants and vitamin C.
Fromland CR
Agricultural Sector
It is a root that is used mainly for human consumption, due to its nutritional values and its easy cooking together with its digestive qualities, make this crop a product of great demand in the market and in the diet of hospitals, nursing homes and circles. children.
Frutos y Raíces Tropicales B&B del Sur
Agricultural Sector
It´s an evergreen, thin grass-like foliage reaching 6-9 inches tall and spreads by tuber roots and stolons. The summer blooming pale lilac flowers are usually hidden among the foliage. Ideal for use around the base of trees where most plants will not grow.
Geoagro de Costa Rica
Agricultural Sector
Evergreen plant with exceptional, dense, purple-black, grass-like foliage. Produces dark lavender flowers in summer that are followed by purple berries in fall, creating additional interest in the landscape.
Geoagro de Costa Rica
Agricultural Sector
We offer fresh pineapple, in variety MD2, sizes from 5 to 10, packaging with crown and without crown.We carry out our production and export process, guaranteeing constancy and security in the supply of the product, since the product that we export is produced, harvested, and packed in our own farms and facilities. We support our clients in the export processes, logistics and documentation coordination, with a team of people with experience in this area.
Exportaciones Norteñas
Agricultural Sector
Our varieties of yellow melon (YHD) are adapted to the needs of each client. High quality fruits, uniformity, an excellent external yellow color, great flavor and aroma as well as a high concentration of sugar (Brix). The genetics of the product and our management system throughout the entire chain, guarantee the safety and quality of the product and a good postharvest life. Product packed under the strictest hygiene and safety standards, so the end consumer will be guaranteed a delight when enjoying our melons. The product is packed in cardboard boxes, classified in different sizes according to the interests of each client, palletized product and with all the cold network custody.
Costeña S.A.
Agricultural Sector
Ñame root is shaped like a sweet potato and it has a creamy, yellow flesh with a nutty flavor similar to a potato. Also referred to as a yam, ñame roots are extremely versatile and can be prepared like you would prepare a potato. It is great steamed, boiled, baked, roasted, or fried.