Medical Device Industry – Manufacturing Contractor – Buy From Costa Rica


Medical Device Industry - Manufacturing Contractor

Clean Room ISO Class 8 Capabilities

Our main factory is held in a controlled environment and to a higher cleanliness standard, we’re use more modular and flexible clean rooms on demand, maintaining our efficient layout, and adapting to client needs with maximum responsiveness. We can deploy modular and cost effective clean rooms that are easily scalable and quickly validated, responding to client needs on a dime. Micro’s modular workplace model allows us to create an entirely clean factory floor and segregate the unclean areas via non-clean rooms. Anything that creates contaminants into the air goes into our Micro non-clean rooms, each with its own HVAC system for disposal. With this approach, we take cleanliness standards to a new level of consistency whereby cleanliness becomes nominal. For medical clean room requirements, we erect soft-sided modular rooms in the form of clean plastic tents that are movable, easy to expand, and completely validated to ISO Class 8.


Medical Device Industry - Manufacturing Contractor

Assembly & Automation

With the capability to build custom automation, Micro assembles parts and units of any size, leveraging in-house intelligence and skill set to operate at maximum efficiency and economy. Our solutional bandwidth for automation and assembly is matched only by our own creativity and with a modular and recyclable methodology, we drive down setup costs for our clients whilst increasing efficiency and precision. With robotics, we continue to find multiple examples whereby old automation processes are problematic and do not compare to Hubotics (the practice of robots mimicking humans in action and movement). We believe there’s an inflection coming whereby the standard assembly approach will be retired in preference to replaceable, modular, human-mimicking robotics.
