Vegetables and greens – Buy From Costa Rica


Agricultural Sector


Ofrecemos yuca en presentación de fresca y congelada. La yuca es un alimento con muchos beneficios aporta fibra, vitaminas y minerales, además es libre de gluten excelente para las personas celíacas. Se pueden realizar variedad de recetas con la misma, desde platos fuertes hasta postres, esto gracias a su versatilidad y buen sabor. We offer cassava in fresh and frozen presentation. Cassava is a food with many benefits, it provides fiber, vitamins and minerals, and it is also gluten-free, excellent for people with celiac disease. You can make a variety of recipes with it, from main dishes to desserts, thanks to its versatility and good flavor.

Cámara de Exportadores de Raíces y Tubérculos de Costa Rica

Agricultural Sector

Iceberg Lettuce

This variety of lettuce has a compact form similar to a col; it has long, round, and crispy leaves. It has a sweet flavor. Weight: 300 grams – 1 kilogram Production: all year round

Agricultores del Guarco AGMOL

Agricultural Sector


Slightly round and red vegetable, with a great source of antioxidants Presentations: 120-150 grams 150-200 grams More than 200 grams Production all year round

Agricultores del Guarco AGMOL

Agricultural Sector


Our product (cabbage) is produced from 1900 meters high up to more than 2400 meters high in volcanic lands so it is the best in the area for export, for its shelf life

Agrícola Asbre S.A

Agricultural Sector


Our product (carrot) is produced from 1900 meters high up to more than 2400 meters high in volcanic lands so it is the best in the area for export, for its shelf life and high degrees Brix

Agrícola Asbre S.A

Agricultural Sector


Vegetable of sweet flavor, with vitamin C, A and antioxidants. Presentations: 10-12 centimeters 12-15 centimeters More than 15 centimeters Production: all year round

Agricultores del Guarco AGMOL

Agricultural Sector

Chayote (Sechium Edule)

The chayote is a fresh vegetable that grows on a climbing plant, its most commercial presentation is green, with a smooth appearance and weighing between 260 and 350 grams. In the province of Cartago in Costa Rica, it has been cultivated for years, mainly in the Ujarras area, where there is a lot of experience in obtaining this product. The chayote is used mainly in food consumption, where its consumption has the following advantages: • It has a low calorie intake. • Contribution of vitamins C and B2. • Provides a large amount of fiber. • Contains antioxidants and a source of iron. Our product has the advantage of being produced with high experience, and also using techniques that go hand in hand with the environment and the health of consumers.

Grupo Chaves Morales

Agricultural Sector

Fresh hydroponic tomato

Hydroponic tomato free of chemical residues, produced under the highest quality standards, selected and packed following very rigorous parameters, as stipulated by the new hygiene, quality and safety standards to present a product without any risk of rejection


Agricultural Sector


top quality onion with various variety such as Alvara-515-Predator- Mata Hari

Pura Fruta

Agricultural Sector


Chayote is a pear shaped, light green squash. It has a creamy white flesh, that becomes cottony as it matures. It is crunchy and very mild with a sweet taste, similar to cucumber. Additionally, it can be consumed raw or cooked.

Noelia Brenes Araya