Services – Page 13 – Buy From Costa Rica


Audiovisual Services

Director of photography

Role in charge of leading the visual part of the project. He is the head of the camera or cameras and the lighting of the set. Decides on the audiovisual plans and point of views. In small productions, he is in charge of operating the camera during filming.

Producciones Luz Marina

Audiovisual Services

Audio and video post production

Here is where the project assembles from a bunch of shots to create the final product. Details of audio (SFX, dubbing, etc.) and video (colorization, SFX, continuity, etc.) recordings are refined and improved. At this stage, the product is completely ready for its respective distribution.

Producciones Luz Marina

Audiovisual Services

Music Clips

Creation of music clips for all types of musicians. Conceptualization, execution and subsequent post-production to deliver a finished product ready to be published in the different existing media.

Producciones Luz Marina

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services

Hac by Perspective

Hac by Perspective is an app to administrate HOAs that helps with: common areas's reservations, registration of authorized persons, internal communication, accounting, virtual meetings, access to the condominium.

Perspective Systems

Consulting Services

Environmental Monitoring

These services include quantification analysis of Viable Particles in Environmental Air and Surfaces, as well as quantification analysis of Non-Viable Particles in Environmental Air. Recovery of microorganisms from the air and different types of surfaces using TSA or SDA culture media, for bacteria and fungi. This analysis is commonly used to meet the requirements of the environmental monitoring program based on ISO 14698 requirements. Measurement of non-viable particles using laser scattering equipment for particle sizes from 0.3 µm to 10.0 µm, for confirmation of compliance with ISO 14644-1.

Microbiología y Calidad Industrial, MCI